
national holiday



national holiday为短语/超纲词汇
1. Each day is a holiday,

2. But the national effort to reduce health care costs has resulted in dramatic changes in the way hospitals think.

3. We´re going to leave tomorrow. Tom and I are going to have a holiday.
    我们明天就要走了. 汤姆和我准备去度假.

4. We´re going on holiday next month.

5. We had a splendid holiday.

6. We´re going to leave tomorrow. Tom and I are going to have a holiday.
    我们明天就要走了. 汤姆和我准备去度假.

7. When are you going to have a holiday, Sam?

8. With two sweeping balconies, this auditorium holds ten thousand people, and it is here that the National People´s Congress meets, and all the other great political meetings are held.

9. When she saw the state of his clothes, she became more determined than ever to make him work hard during the holiday on Saturday.

10. Women in Kenya make up 60 percent of the people who vote, but only 3 percent of the National Assembly.
